Saturday, January 17, 2009

yes we are

“I can’t feel my face!” were the cries of the hyperactive Middle Schoolers as they fought their way through the 3 degree air. We arrived in Washington D.C. We came off of our flight ragged, freezing, and joyous. We were picked up by Ronny, the bus driver with a lot to say, and then shortly arrived at the Chateau de SBMS (a.k.a., Falls Church Presbyterian Church’s auditorium room floor, Virginia). We all unpacked our sleeping bags and hit the sack. Curiously, none of us were tired. We were even more puzzled when we checked our watches and cell phones and they read almost midnight. This made a whole lot more sense when we realized. Our internal clocks were set to 3 hours earlier! Needless to say, we were up for another hour. The real shock hit us when we had a wake-up call of 7:30 a.m. this morning (4:30a.m. to our bodies). We bundled up and after some delay, and a few close calls on shower flooding, we left our comfy, holy, pad and headed out into the 13 degree weather (3 degrees with wind chill). The night prior (yesterday) we had split up into 4 separate teams, 1 mentor, 2 reporters, and 2 adults. Our group (which consisted of myself, Mary and Sierra) ventured to some Congress-people’s office buildings and had an exclusive interview with Congressman Lewis. After having a thorough lick-through from the Congressman’s dog, we had a flawless interview where the Republican Congressman told us what his opinions were on important issues such as the economy and education. Once this interview was finished, we met up at around 2 p.m. in the Visitor’s Center of the Capitol Building. We took a tour through the visitor’s center and through some of the old, unused rooms in the Capitol. It was fascinating to stand in the same places as great minds such as Benjamin Franklin and George Washington. Once we were done with our exclusive tour, we headed over to Ben’s Chili Bowl. We found people from all over crowded into one small place, all grappling for a chili dog! After a SBMS conga line, and everyone in the vicinity chanting “Yes We Can!” it was time to head back. If you have any questions for Teen Press, or you just want me to pick you up a chili dog, give us an email at


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